
Release v0.1.

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An extension module for Pillow to add functions that help simplify some processes.

Simple and easy to learn usage

import PIL
import PILTools

image = PIL.Image.open("test.png")
image_draw = PILTools.ImageTools(image)

# Add a black and white filter to the image with a custom threshold
# Curve the corners of the image and replace the removed areas with purple
image_draw.rounded_edges(radius=50, fill=(175, 0, 200))


PIL-Tools uses a PIL styled set of tools to help simplify some effects that you can create with PIL but without the long boring process of having to create them from scratch. It also supports multiple modes of images and makes setting up compatibility between modes easy.


Install with pip

$ pip install PIL-Tools

Update with pip

$ pip install PIL-Tools --upgrade

Install from source

$ python setup.py install


If you have any problems with PIL-Tools please let me know via the GitHub issue tracker.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.